
Congratulations to the 2023 David wither’s Memorial Scholarship recipient -

Makayla Peck

Link to Scholarship Application

In Loving Memory of David Withers

Dave had a great zest for life and undertook the pursuit of art with great enthusiasm. According to his wife, Vicki, Dave loved many different mediums including photography and painting.  "His photos were taken with a simple 35 mm camera, no filters or special equipment, just Dave being there and capturing a moment in time."
With the support of Dave's family and the Foxborough Art Association a scholarship is offered each year to FHS seniors who plan on continuing their studies in Visual Arts. Through the scholarship Dave's passion for art and zest for life live on. Former David Withers Memorial Scholarship recipients have gone on to study art abroad in wonderful places like Japan. They have gone on to become art teachers, fashion designers, illustrators, and designers.